The Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative (AYK SSI) is pleased to release its 2025 Invitation to Submit Research Proposals. Under the 2025 Invitation, up to $2M is available for funding of research projects addressing declined Chinook and chum salmon populations. Projects will be selected for funding in spring 2025, with contracting completed by May 1st in time for the 2025 field season. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BEGIN YOUR PROPOSAL SUBMISSION.
Welcome to AYK SSI
In response to salmon declines, Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association and regional Native organizations (Association of Village Council Presidents, Kawerak, Inc., and Tanana Chiefs Conference) joined with state and federal agencies to create the AYK SSI, a proactive science-based program working cooperatively to identify and address the critical salmon research needs facing this region. The AYK SSI is the largest example of co-management of research-funding addressing salmon within the Pacific Rim and one of the largest, most successful programs of its kind in North America.
Featured Publications
Chum Salmon Research & Monitoring Plan Identifies Priorities for Declined Western Alaska Populations
The Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative (AYK SSI) released a research and monitoring blueprint addressing declined Western Alaska chum salmon populations entitled: “ARCTIC-YUKON-KUSKOKWIM CHUM SALMON RESEARCH AND MONITORING ACTION PLAN: EVIDENCE OF DECLINE OF CHUM SALMON POPULATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH AND MONITORING.”
The Chum Salmon Action Plan was developed by the AYK SSI’s six member Scientific Technical Committee. The centerpiece of the Action Plan is a set of six strategic research and monitoring priorities aimed at advancing our understanding of the causes for the decline and, in turn, to promote the rebuilding and sustainable management of AYK chum salmon stocks.
Click here to DOWNLOAD the AYK SSI Chum Salmon Research and Monitoring Action Plan
Chinook Salmon Research Action Plan Sheds Light On Critical Knowledge Gaps & Research Priorities For Steeply Declined Western Alaska Populations
The AYK SSI Chinook Salmon Expert Panel presents the “AYK Chinook Salmon Research Action Plan.”
The AYK SSI Chinook Salmon Expert Panel has released its research blueprint addressing declined Western Alaska salmon populations entitled: “Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Chinook Salmon Research Action Plan: Evidence of Decline of Chinook Salmon Populations and Recommendations for Future Research.”
Click here to DOWNLOAD the AYK SSI Chinook Salmon Action Plan
Research & Discovery Report: 2002-2010
The AYK SSI Research & Discovery Report includes short synopses of all 55 projects from 2002-2010 outlining the results of our salmon research within the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim regions. Download Report (23.3MB PDF file). Read More